If you find a fallen bird nest or its inhabitants on the ground, here’s a simple solution for reuniting birds with their young. To learn more about wildlife in Texas, visit http://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/wildlife_diversity/


  1. The baby bird wasn’t at my house I was biking and I saw it sitting on the sidewalk I gave him to the people in the house he was in front of hopefully they got him back in his nest.

  2. My cats just tore 4 babies out if their nest and unfortunately I cant put them back because they are all guarding the spot and the whole area around the tree❤

    Im gonna figure out how to feed them I just feel bad for the mother😞 theyre all okay and sleeping rn

  3. What not to do:
    If a baby falls from the nest, make sure you use gloves or something. Cause it is a fact that if the mama bird finds human scent on her babies, she will throw them out of the nest.

  4. They are not called baby birds. They are hatchings. They are not human babies.

    There are piglets, hatchings, kittens, cubs, etc. None of them are babies.

  5. People are saying hang the nest as high as possible found two.babies today maybe a few days old but worried of them falling or jumping out and falling. any suggestions? falling

  6. About a couple years ago me and my friend found a baby blue bird, and we were young so we got a parent to help us and they said the baby would die since we touched it, so we decided to take care of it. We researched how to feed and the basics but when we decided to go to bed we asked if we could keep the bird in the house, her parent said no and made us get a area for the baby to sleep outside. In the morning we found out the baby passed away so me and my friend agreed if we ever find a baby bird again we were going to take much better care of it since now we semi had experience with baby birds. This memory just popped into my head so I'm here to understand better how to care for them!

  7. today I disturbed a blue jays nest that was in my mailbox. I built something and relocated the eggs, but I don't think the mother is coming back. any recommendation on what should I do. Ive stuff strays in the new nest but I don't think that's gonna be warm enough. Should I take them inside to see what will happen or should I leave them in the nest I built? any help. Really hate that I disturbed this nest in my mailbox and I feel extremely bad…HELP PLEASE

  8. Thanks for this video. Bird nest fell onto our deck from somewhere along the roof line. Created a hanging nest as you described and the parent returned within an hour.

  9. The two baby birds my step dad found while at work he couldn’t get them back to the next so we decided to try to take care of them and we where doing fine but at one point both of the birds decided to like put there head all the way almost as if they looked like they were breaking them and sadly both passed away (same day different times) any clues as to why

  10. I followed this method to fix a robin’s nest that fell from the deck rafters under the hot tub a few days ago.

    Two fluffy little baby robins were trapped under the inverted nest when I found it under the deck; the third Bebe was hopping on the lawn—mama and daddy robin were squaking at me like crazy, but I was able to safely get the babies back in their nest. (As the video explains, you can touch them—only downside is they you may get pooped on!)

    My duck tape solution is not quite as pretty as the video’s, but I’m happy to report that mama and daddy robin are back in the nest feeding their babies ❤️

  11. I have been watching a Robin's nest with 3 babies in it. They r only 8 days old, but already starting to get teenage Feathers. We had a big storm in Pittsburgh last night, I woke up to look at them out the window and they were GONE!!!! I only found 1 little fat baby. I put it back and went inside. I looked for the other 2 for 30 mins and couldn't find them!!!! Poor momma! I hope this last baby will survive!

  12. i’m sure no one will answer but what in the hell do i do if i find a abandoned nest with alive eggs but the meat itself isn’t safe for the babies. so i’m asking can i nurture these eggs? or atleast try?? asap answers PLEASE

  13. Hey guys
    So we have this nest of sparrows at our house and one featherling just fell out of it (ig failed flying attempt) and his parents aren't really keen on helping him back so I brought him inside but I really don't know what to feed him and how to do that plus I don't have this powder in the video at home. Please tell me what I can do to make sure he lives until he can fly again?

  14. thank you!! there’s a nest in my wreath on the front door and i saw the two baby birds had fell on the ground after a windy thunderstorm with the mom nowhere in sight. i just picked them up and put them back into their new nest that the mother had made.

  15. Saw a nest fall while I was outside painting, nest was face down with three babies underneath. Put the nest back where it was and got some gloves and put them back in the nest. The mom watched the whole process from a distance and was back with the babies within minutes, thank you for the video!

  16. Yo aproximadamente 3 años antes (porque Vi demasiado tarde el vídeo) encontré un pajarito rosa, lo crie y hice mis esfuerzos para mantenerlo, creció conmigo y no sé si contarlo mascota, hasta que cuando ya era grande, lo libere

  17. That happened to me but the was 2 left that hatched but the egg ones sadly did not make it because of a squirrel. I put them in a bird box with some nesting stuff and I hope the mother finds them I’m worried about them

  18. We had two babies under our deck and had a bad storm today. I go to let my 4 month old puppy out and see she’s playing with something I look more close and see it’s one of the babies 😞 there was only one I don’t know what happened to the other one. I tried putting it back in the nest and the nest was gone so I didn’t know what to do I got a Tupperware bowl and put what was left of the nest and the baby in it and put it up there. Now I’m worrying that it will fall again cause it’s not sturdy. I wish I would have seen this first

  19. A fledging robin climbed on my dad's back. We released it after it started chirping and it's parents did it back. Apparently that's normal for robin fledglings and I hope it's safe

  20. once me and my cosen had found one we took care of it then it died at the night then we burried it and today we found another

  21. Thanks, I was just able to save baby robins cause of this video. I waited until I saw the momma bird trying to feed the babies on the ground so that she would see everything happening; she wasn't happy about it. After placing them in the tree, she was up there with them in about 10 minutes.

  22. I tried being a good pedestrian and help the poor baby bird get back to its nest… and as I got home, I'm infected with dozen of bird mites!!!